시리즈 2 - 클래식원서 읽기 - 맥베쓰(10)
'since'에 관하여
★ ★ ★ since It is / It has been (현재, 현재완료) ... since 과거★ S + 현재 완료, since 과거 주절의 시제는 현재완료를 사용하는데 예외로 It is.. (.현재시제)라는 표현을 더 자주 쓴다는 점! 기억하자 • ★ ★ ★ It is ten years since I met him last. (o) •It has been ten years since I met him last. (o) •I have known him since he became a lawyer. (o) •I have known him since 2020. (o) law /lɔː 로오--/ (로우X ), lawyer /lɔ́ːjǝ/ •I have kown him since the winter of 2..
2023.11.18 -
비교급 표현 등
심화 학습 비교급에서 than 대신에 to를 쓰는 라틴계 단어 inferior a. 열등한 ↔ superior a. 우수한, 뛰어난 anterior 앞쪽의 ↔ posterior 뒷쪽의 major 주요한, 다수의 ↔ minor 사소한, 소수의 senior 손위의, 선임의 ↔ junior 나이어린 prior to ~ 보다 우선인 ■ 비교급의 강조 far, much, even, still, a lot, way
2023.11.17 -
맥베스 - 단락별 해설- 마녀들을 찾아가 만나고 온 후
The first thing he heard when he got out of the witches’ cave, was that Macduff, thane of Fife, had fled to England, to join the army which was forming against him under Malcolm, the eldest son of the late king, with intent to displace Macbeth, and set Malcolm, the right heir, upon the throne. Macbeth, stung with rage, set upon the castle of Macduff, and put his wife and children, whom the thane..
2023.11.17 -
맥베쓰- 단락별 해설- 결말 부분- 맥베쓰의 죽음
'Never,' said Macbeth, whose courage returned with despair; 'I will not live to kiss the ground before young Malcolm's feet, and to be baited with the curses of the rabble. Though Birnam wood be come to Dunsinane, and thou opposed to me, who west never born of woman, yet will I try the last.' With these frantic words he threw himself upon Macduff, who, after a severe struggle, in the end overcam..